TECHNOLOchicas September News
Can you believe it’s been one year since we launched TECHNOLOchicas? As we celebrate and look forward to another, we want to take a moment and say thank you for your ongoing support! We are excited to not only continue raising awareness of tech opportunities for Latinas but to giving you — families, teachers, friends, and future TECHNOLochicas — the tools you need to inspire others and to achieve your dreams. Together, we can change the world.
As always, thanks for signing up to hear all of the latest TECHNOLOchicas news — inspiring videos, resources, news articles, and event highlights.
In this newsletter:
- Tip of the Month
- Featured News Coverage
- Past Events
- Upcoming Events
- Spreading the Word
- Featured Video
Tip of the Month
September’s tip comes from Top 10 Ways Families Can Encourage Girls’ Interest in Computing:
- Focus on learning using a growth mindset. Having a “growth mindset” means understanding that we are not born knowing how to do things, but instead learn how to do new things and improve our skills. Rather than saying, “You’re smart,” celebrate persistence by saying, “What did you learn from that project?” Learning from mistakes is an important step in gaining new skills.
Want more tips? Follow along on Facebook and Twitter, and browse the complete set of NCWIT resources online. And, be sure to share them with your communities.
Featured News Coverage
- // News Flashback // Check out this article, originally published in Computing Research News, on the critical need for the TECHNOLOchicas campaign.
- In their recent technology segment on Univision Noticias, TECHNOLOchicas Jessica Santana and Natalia Rodriguez shared some tips on getting your TECHNOLOchicas interested in computing careers.
- “If I had waited for the ‘right’ moment to be ready or the ‘right’ resources, I wouldn’t have learned how you can be a part of a bigger social movement… In this case, the CoderDojo movement, where it doesn’t take money — it takes passion to create impact.” // TECHNOLOchica Rebecca Garcia shared some of the challenges she’s faced that have contributed to her success with Ladies Learning Code. Find out what else she and some other amazing women had to say:
- Do you know an older TECHNOLOchica who may be looking for her first job in tech? TECHNOLOchica Cassidy Williams has drafted the ultimate “Getting a Gig Guide” to help her get started:
- From New Mexico to the White House to Mars, find out how passion and a “no excuses” attitude has taken TECHNOLOchica Sophia Sánchez-Maes where she wants to go. //
- TECHNOLOchica Jessica Santana was recently named as a 2016 Emerging Innovators Bootcamp participant! Congratulations, Jessica:
Past Events
Upcoming Events
- On October 1, the TECHNOLOchicas will be back in California for the Latina Power in STEM Conference and the one year celebration of the TECHNOLOchicas campaign! Participants will have a variety of workshops and hands-on activities to choose from. If you’ll be in the Southern California area, please register today to join us:
More events, appearances, and celebrations are coming. Be sure that you are following us via social media and watching for future newsletters to be the first to know where the TECHNOLOchicas will be next.
Spreading the Word
Want to help support TECHNOLOchicas? Below are several ways you can help.
Join Us Online
- Follow @TECHNOLOchicas on Twitter, and like TECHNOLOchicas on Facebook for daily tips, inspirational quotes, and Latinas in technology news that you can share with friends.
- Follow us on Instagram, and see event highlights through the eyes of the TECHNOLOchicas as they capture memorable moments. View additional, official photos on the Flickr channel.
Host an Event
Ask a TECHNOLOchica to make an appearance, or show a screening of TECHNOLOchicas videos for young Latinas at schools or community organizations. Contact to start planning!
Identify More TECHNOLOchicas
Know Latinas in technology who could be profiled as a TECHNOLOchica? Share this application form with them:
Featured Video
“Hard work and dedication trumps anything.” In this video, we celebrate TECHNOLOchica Jessica Santana. Jessica is a co-founder of New York On Tech — a non-profit that works with high school students and provides them with the development, mentoring, network, and access they need to be successful in degrees and careers in tech. Jessica is also a 2016 Emerging Innovators Bootcamp participant!