Why TECHNOLOchicas?
TECHNOLOchicas is a necessary, focused approach that highlights the interests, strengths, and needs of Latinas.
Latinas’ participation in computing disciplines not only improves the economic outlook of the Hispanic community, but their participation also impacts the U.S. society, workforce, and economy as a whole by improving companies’ bottom lines, expanding the qualified employee pool, promoting equality, reflecting the customer base, and enhancing innovation through distinct perspectives.
Latina girls and women in the U.S. may be avid users of technology, but they are significantly underrepresented in its creation: Latinas occupied only 2 percent of jobs in the computing workforce in 2016.1
Qualified, diverse talent is needed to fill an estimated 1.1 million computing-related job openings expected by 2024.2
Latinas are one of the fastest-growing populations in the U.S., which makes them a vastly untapped talent pool and makes their underrepresentation in computing particularly troubling.
It is critical to acknowledge, celebrate, and raise visibility for Latinas in tech whose legacies and real-life stories inspire young women to pursue computing.
This program helps to show the Latino community that their daughters can achieve the same, or even greater, success in the technology industry. "She can’t be what she can’t see."
1. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity 2016
2. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment by detailed occupation 2015 (Occupational Category: 15-1100), includes new and replacement jobs