Caeley Looney

Caeley Looney is a total space geek. She graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering in 2018. Now, she works as a Mission Analyst for Harris Corporation, where she plays an integral role in the modeling and simulation of their small satellite constellations. With her service dog, Charlie, always by her side, she is constantly working to empower more women to get involved in STEM. She is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Reinvented Magazine, SWE's SWEFL Coordinator Elect, and is currently the College/STEM Outreach Chair of her company's Women's Network. Caeley also enjoys long walks on the beach (with her dog, obviously), knitting, and running.

Caeley Looney

Caeley Looney is a total space geek. She graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering in 2018. Now, she works as a Mission Analyst for Harris Corporation, where she plays an integral role in the modeling and simulation of their small satellite constellations. With her service dog, Charlie, always by her side, she is constantly working to empower more women to get involved in STEM. She is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Reinvented Magazine, SWE's SWEFL Coordinator Elect, and is currently the College/STEM Outreach Chair of her company's Women's Network. Caeley also enjoys long walks on the beach (with her dog, obviously), knitting, and running.