Thank you for your interest in being part of TECHNOLOchicas.

TECHONOLOchicas is a collaborative project of the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT) and Televisa Foundation designed to raise awareness among young Latinas and their families about opportunities and careers in technology.

By completing this profile, you will be featured on our website and have the opportunity to represent TECHNOLOchicas in nationwide events. Take a moment to view this sample profile (Profile Marilu Duque) in order to see how you’ll be featured on our site.

Please share with us how you became a latina in tech by filling out the following information:

Do you speak Spanish?*
If you would like to include a video related to your work or studies please include the link here. Please make sure your video setting are not set to “private”.
Max. size: 1980 x 1680 Max. weight: 10Mb. Use portrait pictures, avoid full body images, please