Ana Hernandez
Place Of Birth
Los Angeles, CA
Family heritage
I've been involved with robotics and other science programs for a long time, and my high school experience has been amazing because of these programs. Robotics has not only helped with my work experience and personal growth, but it has shown me what my passions are. I love technology and am excited to see its future, but I also have a passion for helping others and giving back. My passions have led me to study Media Technology with a concentration on Video Game Art & Design at Woodbury University. With Media Technology, I'll be studying the more creative side of technology, gaining skills with both hardware and software.
With the Game Art & Design concentration, I'll be learning how to program and create the art within the game. I hope to focus on integrating education and video games later on during my studies. I would also like to explore how I can integrate the science of sports with technology. With a Media Technology major, I know that the skills I'll be gaining can be used for any other career I might later be interested in. It is reassuring to have found the right field for me!
Current job
Why would you recommend exploring careers in science and technology to other Latina girls?
By 2050, 26 percent of U.S. women will be Latina. We represent a vastly untapped talent pool, and being a part of the innovation economy will play an important role in how our nation develops products and services that cater to the growing population of Latinos in general.