Adriana Martinez
Place Of Birth
Chicago, Illinois
Family heritage
I was part of the Girls Who Code summer immersion program in 2015. The program involves hands-on experience in computing concepts, programming fundamentals, mobile phone development, robotics, and web development and design. I developed a mobile safety App, SafeMe, at the end of the program. This year I am a Teaching Assistant at Girls Who Code, where I get to empower young women in computer science and help to create a better, more inclusive industry.
Along with that, during the school year I work at Power Up Tech Academy, where I get to teach elementary school kids how to code using Scratch. As my high school career comes to an end, I will continue to teach and inspire the next generation of leaders to confidently code and be part of the technology industry. In college I will study Computer Science and have a greater impact on the world as a Hispanic female in the industry.
Current job
Student, Teacher Assistant at Girls Who Code and Power Up Tech Academy
Why would you recommend exploring careers in science and technology to other Latina girls?
Technology is a field of study that touches every part of our lives. With our perspective as Latinas, we can make the world a better place.