Adriana López
Place Of Birth
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Family heritage
Puerto Rico
I am currently a high school student at Cywoods High School. Before this I lived and studied in Puerto Rico. There, I participated in programs such as CS4Girls (Computer Science for Girls), SWE (Society for Women in Engineering) and AOSA (Arecibo Observatory Space Academy). I have also worked as teacher assistant in AOSA. I am proudly part of the NCWIT community where I have won two awards. In January of 2017 I moved to Houston, Texas where I am currently looking for more opportunities. I am also passionate in the arts and animation which both can be easily linked to computer science. I also have studied the violin for over 11 years. In the future, I would like to major in Computer Science while doing a minor in art. My goal is to become an animation director, to inspire, entertain and teach people through the medium of technology and art.
Current job
Why would you recommend exploring careers in science and technology to other Latina girls?
I recommend that latina girls should go for science and technology because they are careers that have a low percentage of women in them. We need more women because the industry is growing and is going to continue doing so. It is also a community where one can find opportunity and success very easily while being a minority.